Millions of people worldwide suffer from spinal disorders. Back pain affects 80% of adults at some point in their lives. World Spine Day is celebrated every year on October 16 and draws attention to the importance of back health across national borders. Our film “Disc surgery – and then what?” provides information about one of the most common back problems in our society.

Slipped Disc – surgery?

Up to 5% of all people are affected by a herniated disc at least once in their lives. Aging and wear and tear of the spine are among the causes. In the vast majority of cases, surgery can be avoided. However, if the pain persists or the symptoms are severe, surgery may be necessary. At Inselspital, this is performed by a specialized team using microsurgery and minimally invasive techniques. Our patients can leave the hospital after just 2–3 days.

And after that?

Physiotherapy helps you get back on your feet quickly

Our physiotherapists accompany our patients from the outset. Our experts demonstrate the first exercises for getting up even before the operation. After surgery, mobilization is rapid. In the hours after surgery, getting up is on the program, followed by walking the next day and then climbing stairs. There are numerous exercise instructions for when you get home. Our goal is to help our patients return to their normal daily lives as quickly and safely as possible.

What is World Spine Day?

World Spine Day is held every year on October 16 to raise awareness of the importance of back health. Initiated by the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC), this back day is supported worldwide by numerous health organizations and institutions, doctors, therapists and interest groups to raise awareness of the issue and educate people around the world about spinal disorders. The main focus of the events is on the prevention of back problems through a healthy and active lifestyle with plenty of exercise, lifting and carrying adapted to individual capacity, and healthy working conditions.

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