The spectrum of diseases in pediatric neurosurgery is broad and significantly differs from those seen in adults. Treatment therefore requires a specialized pediatric team that works closely with specialists from other disciplines. A neurosurgical diagnosis in a child also impacts the entire family. From the very beginning, we provide guidance, treatment, and support to our young patients and their families together as a team.

What is pediatric neurosurgery?
Pediatric neurosurgery, or children's neurosurgery, is responsible for the surgical treatment of children and adolescents aged 0 to 18 with diseases, malformations, or injuries affecting the brain and spine. This is a highly specialized field. The spectrum of diseases is very wide, and treatment requires close collaboration with other specialties. Thanks to our many years of interdisciplinary cooperation, we are able to offer the full spectrum of pediatric neurosurgery.
The diagnosis and treatment in pediatric neurosurgery is based on the most modern imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), sonography and computed tomography (CT) to obtain accurate information about the disease. The therapy can range from minimally invasive procedures to complex surgical procedures, depending on the individual situation of the child.
Interdisciplinary, specialized, child-friendly
Children are not simply small adults, and accordingly, neurosurgical treatment for children differs significantly from that for adults. To meet the unique needs of our young patients, a specialized interdisciplinary team is essential—one that not only ensures optimal medical care but also provides child-appropriate nursing and compassionate care.
For this reason, pediatric neurosurgery works closely with other specialties within the children’s hospital. Our interdisciplinary team at Inselspital includes physicians from pediatric neurosurgery, neuropediatrics, pediatric surgery, pediatric oncology, pediatric radiation oncology, pediatric neuroradiology, pediatric intensive care, and pediatrics, as well as specialized nursing staff.
Communicating with young patients and their parents is also very important for optimal treatment.